Our Achievements

June Callwood Award Winner 2024

Lincoln Good Citizen Award 2024

June Callwood Award Winner 2023
Won by Sue Westphal


June Callwood Award Winner 2022
Won by Joanne Battersby

Won by Bill Lloyd




Health Quality Transformation Conference 2018

Lincoln Chamber of Commerce Award 2018

Fire Safety Training 2018

Take My Hand Aromatherapy Volunteers 2018

June Callwood Award Winner 2017

This award recognizes people and groups who have made outstanding contributions as volunteers in their communities.
The Minister’s Medal Honouring Excellence in Health Quality and Safety is a competitive, annual award program that recognizes excellent work done by health care partners across the province. Award recipients have demonstrated excellence in engaging patients as partners, as well as enhancing value and quality in our health care system.
I first came to Grimsby in the Fall of 2013 after having driven across the
country from Victoria, B.C. I’ve always had a travel bug and have
moved several times across the country in search of new adventures.
I chose Grimsby because I wanted to resettle in a smaller community,
but also relatively close to Toronto and due to having personal
friends here. Having lived in the Yukon at three different times in my
journey of life gave me an appreciation for the benefits of residing in a
smaller community.
Prior to coming to Grimsby, I have served on various boards over the
years in different capacities. Some of these volunteer opportunities
included working with the Arctic Winter Games 2000 in Whitehorse,
Yukon, an Indigenous Women and Childrens’ Shelter in Toronto, a
Neighbourhood House providing Counselling and Family Services in
Victoria, B.C. and a Law Line offering free legal information services in
Whitehorse, Yukon.
Being able to enjoy a rural setting with tree-lined streets, the
Niagara Escarpment and the south shore of Lake Ontario is very
attractive indeed to quality of life. But paramount are the citizens of
Grimsby, who are so caring and compassionate towards each other and
the community at large. There as so many people doing great things in
our community. Volunteers are the backbone of most Not for Profit
organizations and we couldn’t succeed without them.
Since my arrival here five years ago, I have been privileged to serve as a
member of the Grimsby Public Art Gallery Advisory Board and also as a
Trustee of the Grimsby Public Library.
My proudest achievement continues to be as an active Board Member
with Rose Cottage Visiting Volunteers, our Community Hospice. We
continue to strive to be the leading Community Hospice in West
Niagara providing quality visiting support and services to individuals
and caregivers with life limiting illnesses and palliative care needs.
Fay was awarded the 2018 June Callwood Award. She has been a volunteer with Rose Cottage Visiting Volunteers for 4 years. Since becoming a volunteer, she has supported 18 clients and their families, and dedicated over 500 volunteer hours. Roughly 60 hours of that time has been spent with clients who required immediate support. Fay is always willing to rise to the occasion, be accommodating and flexible to her clients’ needs.